UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358865
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358866
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358867
Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan
This is a locked chapterChapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that kiri's plan to use magic to defeat the humans has failed, and that he is now using brute force to defeat them. In the meantime, we learn that the time has come for kiri to return to his old hideout, where he can continue his mission against the humans.
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UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358865
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358866
UQ HOLDER! • Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan • Page ik-page-358867
Chapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan
This is a locked chapterChapter 40: Carrying Out the Plan
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that kiri's plan to use magic to defeat the humans has failed, and that he is now using brute force to defeat them. In the meantime, we learn that the time has come for kiri to return to his old hideout, where he can continue his mission against the humans.
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