The next morning, the two men go to the back of the house, where they can spy on the women below. Captain and the girl are sitting together, and the captain notices that the girl is blushing. The girl asks the captain to put her down, but the captain says that he cares so much for her that he doesn't want to hurt her. He tells the girl that he's going to try to protect her if something happens, and she's all, "Whoa, who's this girl?" The girl is confused, and asks if the captain kissed her. The captain says he didn't kiss her, but that she kissed him so much that he wanted to be close to her. She's embarrassed, and tells the captain that she wants to spend the night at the house so that they can be safe when the men get there.
The next morning, the two men go to the back of the house, where they can spy on the women below. Captain and the girl are sitting together, and the captain notices that the girl is blushing. The girl asks the captain to put her down, but the captain says that he cares so much for her that he doesn't want to hurt her. He tells the girl that he's going to try to protect her if something happens, and she's all, "Whoa, who's this girl?" The girl is confused, and asks if the captain kissed her. The captain says he didn't kiss her, but that she kissed him so much that he wanted to be close to her. She's embarrassed, and tells the captain that she wants to spend the night at the house so that they can be safe when the men get there.