It's the bag with the swappable parts, and it's going to be a lot of work to make the parts that fit the bag's shape. The bag will be too big to fit into the bag, and the parts will take up too much space. The narrator agrees that the bag needs to be more compact, but he doesn't know if he'd buy it. He's not sure if he would want to buy the parts, either. He wants to hear what the other people have to say first, so he'll listen to what they say first. He thinks the bag should be made with a standard bag, instead of the "swappable parts" thing. He says he's made a sample of the bag to show what it would look like if it were made with cardboard and fabric, and he wants to show it to the audience at Tgc.
It's the bag with the swappable parts, and it's going to be a lot of work to make the parts that fit the bag's shape. The bag will be too big to fit into the bag, and the parts will take up too much space. The narrator agrees that the bag needs to be more compact, but he doesn't know if he'd buy it. He's not sure if he would want to buy the parts, either. He wants to hear what the other people have to say first, so he'll listen to what they say first. He thinks the bag should be made with a standard bag, instead of the "swappable parts" thing. He says he's made a sample of the bag to show what it would look like if it were made with cardboard and fabric, and he wants to show it to the audience at Tgc.