This is a locked chapterChapter 301: On to the Battle, to Save the World!!
About This Chapter
The battle is still going on, and the fleet of demons is outmatched by the numbers of ships. The only thing that keeps the battle going is a back-up plan, because the boy power is so great. He's got a lot of help from the gods, and he's going to use it to his advantage. He also has a plan to get rid of the thousand kana , which is the amount of money that the gods are supposed to give each other in exchange for their help. This is a big deal, because it means that they're going to be able to use the money to pay off the debts they owe to the gods. The guy's a nice guy, and thanks him for giving him one more chance. He thanks the gods for letting him have one last chance, and says that he owes them all a huge thank you. He says that right now, a power is exactly what he needs, and that's why it's so powerful.
This is a locked chapterChapter 301: On to the Battle, to Save the World!!
About This Chapter
The battle is still going on, and the fleet of demons is outmatched by the numbers of ships. The only thing that keeps the battle going is a back-up plan, because the boy power is so great. He's got a lot of help from the gods, and he's going to use it to his advantage. He also has a plan to get rid of the thousand kana , which is the amount of money that the gods are supposed to give each other in exchange for their help. This is a big deal, because it means that they're going to be able to use the money to pay off the debts they owe to the gods. The guy's a nice guy, and thanks him for giving him one more chance. He thanks the gods for letting him have one last chance, and says that he owes them all a huge thank you. He says that right now, a power is exactly what he needs, and that's why it's so powerful.