My Amazing Wechat • Chapter 321 • Page ik-page-4120084
Chapter 321
This is a locked chapterChapter 321
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we meet the young woman, who is described as a "bump" . She is in her twenties and walks like a "60 years old" , but she is also a "chang" or past life. We learn that she is the daughter of a wealthy xia family and that she has made a great contribution to the family. The family tells her that she will receive a 100 million dollar reward for her father's death. They also tell her that they will kill the person who killed her father and take the reward money.
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My Amazing Wechat • Chapter 321 • Page ik-page-4120084
Chapter 321
This is a locked chapterChapter 321
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we meet the young woman, who is described as a "bump" . She is in her twenties and walks like a "60 years old" , but she is also a "chang" or past life. We learn that she is the daughter of a wealthy xia family and that she has made a great contribution to the family. The family tells her that she will receive a 100 million dollar reward for her father's death. They also tell her that they will kill the person who killed her father and take the reward money.
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