The next morning, the men are shocked to learn that Lin Hai's men are so strong that they're able to beat them. They're even more shocked when they find out that the men didn't warn them about the strength of the men. The men are furious. They don't know how to fight, and they've been trying to break the curse for 17 years, but they haven't been able to break it yet. The only way they can break it is to make Lin Hai experience it first-hand.
The next morning, the men are shocked to learn that Lin Hai's men are so strong that they're able to beat them. They're even more shocked when they find out that the men didn't warn them about the strength of the men. The men are furious. They don't know how to fight, and they've been trying to break the curse for 17 years, but they haven't been able to break it yet. The only way they can break it is to make Lin Hai experience it first-hand.