My Amazing Wechat • Chapter 186 • Page ik-page-2897870
Chapter 186
This is a locked chapterChapter 186
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The monster wakes up and tells the master to wake up. He's just witnessed the whole city fall into a state of total coma. He doesn't know why, but he's convinced that the monster is the one who created the spell. The monster says that the only way to use this kind of magic is to get it from a real god, because it's only done once. He also says that his family is still in the city, so he can't worry about it. He tells the monster that he finally woke up, and that he and the other dog were kidnapped by an unknown man. The dog says that if they want to save their family, they'll have to find the man and cut him and the girl off at the roots of the city. He says that he'll be able to do this if they can just cut the dog and girl at the root. The master is shocked to see that no one is moving. He wants to know what's going on. He asks the dog if he kidnapped the girl, and the dog says it was nice to see her again, but this time he got her squirming under his feet. He then asks the master what to do about Lin Hai, who's been taken away by the weird dog. The beast says that they're going to capture him and teach him everything they need to know
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My Amazing Wechat • Chapter 186 • Page ik-page-2897870
Chapter 186
This is a locked chapterChapter 186
About This Chapter
The monster wakes up and tells the master to wake up. He's just witnessed the whole city fall into a state of total coma. He doesn't know why, but he's convinced that the monster is the one who created the spell. The monster says that the only way to use this kind of magic is to get it from a real god, because it's only done once. He also says that his family is still in the city, so he can't worry about it. He tells the monster that he finally woke up, and that he and the other dog were kidnapped by an unknown man. The dog says that if they want to save their family, they'll have to find the man and cut him and the girl off at the roots of the city. He says that he'll be able to do this if they can just cut the dog and girl at the root. The master is shocked to see that no one is moving. He wants to know what's going on. He asks the dog if he kidnapped the girl, and the dog says it was nice to see her again, but this time he got her squirming under his feet. He then asks the master what to do about Lin Hai, who's been taken away by the weird dog. The beast says that they're going to capture him and teach him everything they need to know
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