Martial Inverse

Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602891
Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602892
Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602893
Chapter 191
This is a locked chapterChapter 191
About This Chapter
Four days later, the thunder rumble rumbles again. This time, it's thunder. The thunder rumble is supposed to signify that the place is full of thunder, and that the thunderbeast is the son of thunder. This thunderbeast seems to have killed the thunder tortoise, who was known for excelling at both offense, defense, and so forth. This is the first time that thunder has killed a tortoise, and it seems like thunder is the new king of the world.
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Martial Inverse

Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602891
Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602892
Martial Inverse • Chapter 191 • Page ik-page-3602893
Chapter 191
This is a locked chapterChapter 191
About This Chapter
Four days later, the thunder rumble rumbles again. This time, it's thunder. The thunder rumble is supposed to signify that the place is full of thunder, and that the thunderbeast is the son of thunder. This thunderbeast seems to have killed the thunder tortoise, who was known for excelling at both offense, defense, and so forth. This is the first time that thunder has killed a tortoise, and it seems like thunder is the new king of the world.
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