The next morning, the master tells the boy to rest in the cave for the night, and to cultivate again the next day. He's got a good chance of capturing the lake, but he's afraid he'll die if he doesn't do it. The boy wonders if there's someone in the lake who's looking for him, and the master is horrified. He was kicked down by the demon beast, and he didn't know how to see clearly, so he'd have to dig his eyes out.
The next morning, the master tells the boy to rest in the cave for the night, and to cultivate again the next day. He's got a good chance of capturing the lake, but he's afraid he'll die if he doesn't do it. The boy wonders if there's someone in the lake who's looking for him, and the master is horrified. He was kicked down by the demon beast, and he didn't know how to see clearly, so he'd have to dig his eyes out.