This is a locked chapterStory 12: Hell Fire, Chapter 49
About This Chapter
Back at the fitness center, duan confirms that Minghao Luo is dead, but he leaves behind some valuable information. Xu calls duan and tells him that Jason found a locker in which Luo rented out his clothes. Duan thanks him for the valuable information, and says that he's been spending a lot of money recently. He wants to sell his apartment, but no one has come to bid on it yet. He's going to call the real estate agent and ask if there's anyone interested in his apartment. He made an appointment to see him at 1pm the day before, but they haven't yet arrived. He says he'll talk to the agent and see if anyone is interested in the apartment. The next day, Duan apologizes for spoiling Luo too much. He blames the whole thing on the two of them, saying that they're worthless. They're both worthless, he says, and he needs to earn some money to keep his mouth shut. The moderator asks if he still has any valuable information and Duan says that if he can't find it, he'd be willing to pay a lot for it. He compares Luo's apartment to the one he shot a year before, in which the dad abandoned his daughter and saved her from the fire. If he can find something of the same quality, he wants 300-500K for it