In this short scene, a girl named Coppelioni, who is a student at a school in Tokyo, laments the fact that it has taken two years since the earthquake to make her a senior. The girl wonders why the school would want to send an evacuation team to help people in the event of a natural disaster. She compares the school to a lab rat that has just taken its last breath, and predicts that one day they'll all die. She asks the vice principal to join her and the other students in their fight against the vice-principal.
In this short scene, a girl named Coppelioni, who is a student at a school in Tokyo, laments the fact that it has taken two years since the earthquake to make her a senior. The girl wonders why the school would want to send an evacuation team to help people in the event of a natural disaster. She compares the school to a lab rat that has just taken its last breath, and predicts that one day they'll all die. She asks the vice principal to join her and the other students in their fight against the vice-principal.