In this short scene, we learn that the former emperor is dead, and that the shadow tribe has been exterminated by the emperor's men. We learn that both of the men are from outer space, so they must have been from different worlds. The two men play a game of whoosh, which is a kind of dodgeball. The men will cut the shadow man with a knife if he tries to make a move that is not in line with the game's rules. The shadow man is so cool that he is able to beat the emperor, and the two men are so close that they can barely stand up.
In this short scene, we learn that the former emperor is dead, and that the shadow tribe has been exterminated by the emperor's men. We learn that both of the men are from outer space, so they must have been from different worlds. The two men play a game of whoosh, which is a kind of dodgeball. The men will cut the shadow man with a knife if he tries to make a move that is not in line with the game's rules. The shadow man is so cool that he is able to beat the emperor, and the two men are so close that they can barely stand up.