Daddy From Hell

Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231041
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231002
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231009
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231025
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231003
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231030
Chapter 46
This is a locked chapterChapter 46
About This Chapter
The demon king and his family are back in Hong Kong, and the boy is thrilled to be reunited with his mommy and daddy. He tells his mommy that he misses her so much, and he also misses his sister, who has been missing. The boy asks his mommy why she hasn't introduced his friends to him, and she tells him that they are two powerful demon beasts who helped the demon king. When the boy asks what he wants, his mommy says that he wants to know everything that he knows about snoring. He also asks his sister what she wants to do, and her mommy tells him to tell her everything that she knows about "snore-moaning" and "splashing" . When he asks her what she would like to do instead, she says that she wants the same thing, and that she would have liked to have her friends help her clean up. When she asks him what he is doing, he tells her that he is here to start his new job. He asks her to take care of him
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Daddy From Hell

Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231041
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231002
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231009
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231025
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231003
Daddy From Hell • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-2231030
Chapter 46
This is a locked chapterChapter 46
About This Chapter
The demon king and his family are back in Hong Kong, and the boy is thrilled to be reunited with his mommy and daddy. He tells his mommy that he misses her so much, and he also misses his sister, who has been missing. The boy asks his mommy why she hasn't introduced his friends to him, and she tells him that they are two powerful demon beasts who helped the demon king. When the boy asks what he wants, his mommy says that he wants to know everything that he knows about snoring. He also asks his sister what she wants to do, and her mommy tells him to tell her everything that she knows about "snore-moaning" and "splashing" . When he asks her what she would like to do instead, she says that she wants the same thing, and that she would have liked to have her friends help her clean up. When she asks him what he is doing, he tells her that he is here to start his new job. He asks her to take care of him
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