The emperor tells the fox tribe that if they refuse to surrender to him, he will drag them to hell. He tells them that he will fight them to the death even if they die. The fox tribe tells the emperor that their leader has been killed. The emperor asks if the situation is settled, and the wolf tells him that it is almost settled. The white emperor asks where the willer has more important matters to deal with. The wolf thanks him, and he leads the emperor to the eastern district. The White Emperor tells the wolf that most of his armed forces are stationed there. He asks if there is anything else he can report. food and other supplies were damaged. He says that they have asked for food and medical supplies numerous times, but have not received any response. He then asks if he can talk to the wolf later.
The emperor tells the fox tribe that if they refuse to surrender to him, he will drag them to hell. He tells them that he will fight them to the death even if they die. The fox tribe tells the emperor that their leader has been killed. The emperor asks if the situation is settled, and the wolf tells him that it is almost settled. The white emperor asks where the willer has more important matters to deal with. The wolf thanks him, and he leads the emperor to the eastern district. The White Emperor tells the wolf that most of his armed forces are stationed there. He asks if there is anything else he can report. food and other supplies were damaged. He says that they have asked for food and medical supplies numerous times, but have not received any response. He then asks if he can talk to the wolf later.