The narrator tells us that the shadow guys have been in outer space for a while now, and that they've been spying on the people of the qinghuai family. Yumo and the tiger have been hanging out together, and now they're going to fight it out in the middle of the night. The narrator says he's going to eat his hat if he can't get rid of the tiger's fur. He tells Yumo that his kid is called "qiongqi" , and he wants to see what Yumo is going to do with his new totem. The two of them run off to fight, and Yumo promises that he'll bring his kid back to him safely. He's not sure if Yumo can make it out of there, but he promises to bring her back safely. The emperor is fuming, and the two guys are worried that Yumo will be able to get out of the battle. Yumoa promises to kill all the guys who are trying to get him out of here, and then he says that the emperor's power is so great that he can do whatever he wants. He wants to kill the rumormongers who have been trying to make him look like a bad guy. He says that they should go after the weak one, instead of the strong one.