Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect • Chapter 328 • Page ik-page-4456036
Chapter 328
This is a locked chapterChapter 328
About This Chapter
The sun moon squad's attack is so fast that Shrek's team is completely defeated. The hallmaster tells the audience that his grandson needs drugs to break through to the 70th rank, but that would be too much trouble for him in the future. Shrek, he says, is the "pillar of the empire" because he is a "remarkable fighting spirit" that has to pay for the glory of the country. He says that even if the sun-moon squad doesn't make any great achievements, he will still be the pillar of empire because he has a "delightful fighting spirit." Shrek tries to dodge the attack, but the ice sword is too fast for her.
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Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect • Chapter 328 • Page ik-page-4456036
Chapter 328
This is a locked chapterChapter 328
About This Chapter
The sun moon squad's attack is so fast that Shrek's team is completely defeated. The hallmaster tells the audience that his grandson needs drugs to break through to the 70th rank, but that would be too much trouble for him in the future. Shrek, he says, is the "pillar of the empire" because he is a "remarkable fighting spirit" that has to pay for the glory of the country. He says that even if the sun-moon squad doesn't make any great achievements, he will still be the pillar of empire because he has a "delightful fighting spirit." Shrek tries to dodge the attack, but the ice sword is too fast for her.
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