Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect • Chapter 97: Goddess of Light • Page ik-page-2341687
Chapter 97: Goddess of Light
This is a locked chapterChapter 97: Goddess of Light
About This Chapter
The tournament is over, and the tournament winner is Shrek! The tournament ends, and Shrek is the new champion of the tournament. The tournament has been a success, Shrek says, and all of the students at the academy are now masters of their own destiny.
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Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Soul Land II: The Unrivaled Tang Sect • Chapter 97: Goddess of Light • Page ik-page-2341687
Chapter 97: Goddess of Light
This is a locked chapterChapter 97: Goddess of Light
About This Chapter
The tournament is over, and the tournament winner is Shrek! The tournament ends, and Shrek is the new champion of the tournament. The tournament has been a success, Shrek says, and all of the students at the academy are now masters of their own destiny.
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