This is a locked chapterChapter 129: Severe Injury
About This Chapter
Yuhao is badly wounded. He is getting paler and his pulse is getting weaker. He has lost a lot of blood, so he cant remove the shards yet. He needs to stitch the wounds first, but he can't because his hands are shaking. He tells Yuhao to get some rest, and then they can start removing the shards. Yuhao says that he didn't want to do this before, but now that he has lost so much blood, maybe he can try to do it now. He asks if they can stop the bleeding while he removes the shard, and if it will take them a long time to do so. He says that if they take a break, then he can remove the shard now. Then, he says, they can do it later if they need to. He bites her arm, and she bites him too hard.