This is a locked chapter258th day With Head Held High
About This Chapter
In the second half of the second game of the tournament, Otsuka and his men dominate the opposition, winning by a combined score of 2 to 0. In the third half, however, the men's defense fails to defend their lead, and they give up a third goal. The men are dejected, but they are able to cheer for the other team in the next game.
This is a locked chapter258th day With Head Held High
About This Chapter
In the second half of the second game of the tournament, Otsuka and his men dominate the opposition, winning by a combined score of 2 to 0. In the third half, however, the men's defense fails to defend their lead, and they give up a third goal. The men are dejected, but they are able to cheer for the other team in the next game.