This is a locked chapter169th day As a Matter of Course
About This Chapter
The next morning, the captain tells the other members of the team that they've lost a big one. He's got a message for them: Tsukamoto is nowhere to be found. The captain says he'll give them a warning the next time he hits the laundry room, because he hasn't seen him there either. He also says that the third year of the tournament is coming up, and that's when things are going to end badly for the team. He wants everyone to know that he's looking for them, and he wants to know where they're going. He doesn't want to lose sight of his own strengths, he says. He tells them to keep their voices down, because the birth of sergeant suzuki is about to happen. He says that he wants them to know if there's anything going on with the other guys, so they can get ready to go tomor row. He then tells them that he finally beat them. He asks them to stop making excuses, and says that it's time for them to get their act together.
This is a locked chapter169th day As a Matter of Course
About This Chapter
The next morning, the captain tells the other members of the team that they've lost a big one. He's got a message for them: Tsukamoto is nowhere to be found. The captain says he'll give them a warning the next time he hits the laundry room, because he hasn't seen him there either. He also says that the third year of the tournament is coming up, and that's when things are going to end badly for the team. He wants everyone to know that he's looking for them, and he wants to know where they're going. He doesn't want to lose sight of his own strengths, he says. He tells them to keep their voices down, because the birth of sergeant suzuki is about to happen. He says that he wants them to know if there's anything going on with the other guys, so they can get ready to go tomor row. He then tells them that he finally beat them. He asks them to stop making excuses, and says that it's time for them to get their act together.