This is a locked chapter41st day What He Needs to Realize
About This Chapter
In the second half of the second game of the season, Seiseki's defense is put to the test, and they are unable to find a way to attack. The director, however, is on the bench, and the players are desperate for him to play. Seisekil, who is the only one on the team with any experience defending in this situation, tries to calm the players down, reminding them that it is their job to defend the team's goal, not the other way around.
This is a locked chapter41st day What He Needs to Realize
About This Chapter
In the second half of the second game of the season, Seiseki's defense is put to the test, and they are unable to find a way to attack. The director, however, is on the bench, and the players are desperate for him to play. Seisekil, who is the only one on the team with any experience defending in this situation, tries to calm the players down, reminding them that it is their job to defend the team's goal, not the other way around.