This is a locked chapter238th day What I Couldn't Say
About This Chapter
In the second half of the game, seiseki and his men try to defend their own goal. Mizuki returns to the defense, and he and the other defenders try to stop the attack. They try to block the shot, but Mizuki is strong enough to deflect it away. He tells his friends that he is standing here because they understand that he can bear it, and that he will defend them and believe in him if he had never met Seiseki. He thanks them all for their support, and says that if the ball had not come his way, he would never have been able to play the sport.
This is a locked chapter238th day What I Couldn't Say
About This Chapter
In the second half of the game, seiseki and his men try to defend their own goal. Mizuki returns to the defense, and he and the other defenders try to stop the attack. They try to block the shot, but Mizuki is strong enough to deflect it away. He tells his friends that he is standing here because they understand that he can bear it, and that he will defend them and believe in him if he had never met Seiseki. He thanks them all for their support, and says that if the ball had not come his way, he would never have been able to play the sport.