The next morning, the two of them ride back to the palace together. The two men talk about the preparations they have made for their departure. The imperial kitchen has prepared a dish for the two men to eat, and the emperor has ordered a dozen birds to be killed so that they will not disturb the peaceful life in the palace. The emperor also said, "damn it, damn it" . The men thank the emperor for his kindness and thanks him for being their light and their shield.
The next morning, the two of them ride back to the palace together. The two men talk about the preparations they have made for their departure. The imperial kitchen has prepared a dish for the two men to eat, and the emperor has ordered a dozen birds to be killed so that they will not disturb the peaceful life in the palace. The emperor also said, "damn it, damn it" . The men thank the emperor for his kindness and thanks him for being their light and their shield.