Warm Wedding

Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232804
Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232805
Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232806
Chapter 367
This is a locked chapterChapter 367
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Lan is in Hong Kong with his mother, and that he is under the supervision of his mother. Lan tells his mother that he will not allow his mother to return to Hong Kong. Lan also tells her that he has been spying on his brother and sister-in-law's family for the past few years. He says that he cannot forgive his mother for her actions in kindergarten, and he can't understand how she could be free. Lan says that from the moment he was married into the feng family, he was in love with her. He tells her to move back to the estate of the family, where most of his memories were. Lan asks the doctor if he is pregnant with twins, and the doctor says that she is pregnant at once, so she needs to eat some more. Lan complains that she has been nagging at her mother all morning, and she scolds her for not allowing Lan to sleep with her
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Warm Wedding

Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232804
Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232805
Warm Wedding • Chapter 367 • Page ik-page-4232806
Chapter 367
This is a locked chapterChapter 367
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Lan is in Hong Kong with his mother, and that he is under the supervision of his mother. Lan tells his mother that he will not allow his mother to return to Hong Kong. Lan also tells her that he has been spying on his brother and sister-in-law's family for the past few years. He says that he cannot forgive his mother for her actions in kindergarten, and he can't understand how she could be free. Lan says that from the moment he was married into the feng family, he was in love with her. He tells her to move back to the estate of the family, where most of his memories were. Lan asks the doctor if he is pregnant with twins, and the doctor says that she is pregnant at once, so she needs to eat some more. Lan complains that she has been nagging at her mother all morning, and she scolds her for not allowing Lan to sleep with her
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