When the Governess arrives at the school, she is greeted by her son, who tells her that he has just bought a new pony for his horse farm. The Governess asks the boy if he would like to ride it, and the boy says that he would, but that he does not want to accept the offer because of his mother's health concerns. She tells the boy that he should go to school, since she is waiting for her father, who will be at the horse track as well. She also tells him that she wants to observe how feng-xing lang reacts when she and her son leave the house, since this will be an opportunity to see if he truly wants to provide them with the happiness they deserve
When the Governess arrives at the school, she is greeted by her son, who tells her that he has just bought a new pony for his horse farm. The Governess asks the boy if he would like to ride it, and the boy says that he would, but that he does not want to accept the offer because of his mother's health concerns. She tells the boy that he should go to school, since she is waiting for her father, who will be at the horse track as well. She also tells him that she wants to observe how feng-xing lang reacts when she and her son leave the house, since this will be an opportunity to see if he truly wants to provide them with the happiness they deserve