The second young master complains to his wife about the softness and sweetness of the food. He says that he would treat his brother as his own little brother, but that he has eaten all of it. He tells his wife that he will have a look at her shoulder when the kitten turns to a tiger. She says that she applied too much ointment for him earlier. The young master tells her to eat while it is still warm. He asks her to put some devil's food on the table. She tells him to put it there, it will not be tasty if the food gets cold. She then tells him that she is getting him water. He is so skinny, she says, that she cannot let him slip out of her fingers. She asks her husband if he misses her, and he replies that it is not that she misses him, it is her responsibility as hes wife. He then tells her that he still needs to be sterilized, and she says that they have all the excuses they could think of. She goes on to say that she thinks that Mr. Feng really cares about the health of the young master, and that he does not want to see anybody. He does not
The second young master complains to his wife about the softness and sweetness of the food. He says that he would treat his brother as his own little brother, but that he has eaten all of it. He tells his wife that he will have a look at her shoulder when the kitten turns to a tiger. She says that she applied too much ointment for him earlier. The young master tells her to eat while it is still warm. He asks her to put some devil's food on the table. She tells him to put it there, it will not be tasty if the food gets cold. She then tells him that she is getting him water. He is so skinny, she says, that she cannot let him slip out of her fingers. She asks her husband if he misses her, and he replies that it is not that she misses him, it is her responsibility as hes wife. He then tells her that he still needs to be sterilized, and she says that they have all the excuses they could think of. She goes on to say that she thinks that Mr. Feng really cares about the health of the young master, and that he does not want to see anybody. He does not