The second young master is in the middle of a conversation with his mistress when he hears the news that her brother has left the feng shui group to his younger brother. The mistress is furious and says that she has taken a copy of the will from her lawyer. She says that the eldest master is the rightful heir to the group and that feng-yi-ming will not be able to take the group unless he gives it over to her. She also says that if her brother finds out about her whereabouts, he will probably be depressed and she will be put on his bed.
The second young master is in the middle of a conversation with his mistress when he hears the news that her brother has left the feng shui group to his younger brother. The mistress is furious and says that she has taken a copy of the will from her lawyer. She says that the eldest master is the rightful heir to the group and that feng-yi-ming will not be able to take the group unless he gives it over to her. She also says that if her brother finds out about her whereabouts, he will probably be depressed and she will be put on his bed.