The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324200
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324193
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324218
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324205
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324197
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324188
Chapter 42
This is a locked chapterChapter 42
About This Chapter
This is the first time we've heard from Luo, and he apologizes for his rudeness to Ming. He's glad to see that he's not the only one who's been wronged by Luo. He also apologizes that he didn't pay for the car. Luo's a rich guy, after all. He doesn't need a new car, he just needs to be able to drive it. He tells Ming that Miss tian is doing well, and that she's only had a few scratches on her body because of the evil spirit's burning her. Ming is shocked. He thinks that Luo must be planning some kind of evil thing to do with the car, and Ming is sure that it's for nothing. He wants to know how he got the picture of the dog with its head on it, and how he knew it was him. Ming tells him that he is an ordinary student, but he is also an ordinary rich guy. He asks Ming to believe that he means no harm, because he wants to help him. He knows that Ming's family has business dealings with her parents, so he knows that her twin sister saved her from drowning when she was only a child. Ming knows that he and his family have forcibly taken away her personality.
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The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324200
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324193
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324218
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324205
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324197
The God Devourer • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-1324188
Chapter 42
This is a locked chapterChapter 42
About This Chapter
This is the first time we've heard from Luo, and he apologizes for his rudeness to Ming. He's glad to see that he's not the only one who's been wronged by Luo. He also apologizes that he didn't pay for the car. Luo's a rich guy, after all. He doesn't need a new car, he just needs to be able to drive it. He tells Ming that Miss tian is doing well, and that she's only had a few scratches on her body because of the evil spirit's burning her. Ming is shocked. He thinks that Luo must be planning some kind of evil thing to do with the car, and Ming is sure that it's for nothing. He wants to know how he got the picture of the dog with its head on it, and how he knew it was him. Ming tells him that he is an ordinary student, but he is also an ordinary rich guy. He asks Ming to believe that he means no harm, because he wants to help him. He knows that Ming's family has business dealings with her parents, so he knows that her twin sister saved her from drowning when she was only a child. Ming knows that he and his family have forcibly taken away her personality.
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