In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse into the mind of a young boy who has just been bitten by a spider. The boy, who is named Xiaotian, tells us that he is not a demon, but a "protector" of the "immortal humph" . He explains that he and the spider have been locked in a "spirit lock" , and that they are bound together by this lock. He tells the boy that if he kills himself and destroys the spider, he can contribute to the world in a small way.
In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse into the mind of a young boy who has just been bitten by a spider. The boy, who is named Xiaotian, tells us that he is not a demon, but a "protector" of the "immortal humph" . He explains that he and the spider have been locked in a "spirit lock" , and that they are bound together by this lock. He tells the boy that if he kills himself and destroys the spider, he can contribute to the world in a small way.