The three-day sports festival ends in a tie, and Aby loses all of his popularity overnight. He's also stripped of his position as leader of "the black doggy" , which means that he's not allowed to go to the festival anymore. Aby complains that he was kicked out of his room and stuffed into a storage closet after he messed up the sports festival. He says that he can't blame Aby for what he did, but that he doesn't want anyone to blame him for his actions. He goes to the dining hall to get some dry clothes, and finds that the place is "terrified" by his presence. He tells the mockingbird that his fever has gone down, and that he should thank her for taking care of him.
The three-day sports festival ends in a tie, and Aby loses all of his popularity overnight. He's also stripped of his position as leader of "the black doggy" , which means that he's not allowed to go to the festival anymore. Aby complains that he was kicked out of his room and stuffed into a storage closet after he messed up the sports festival. He says that he can't blame Aby for what he did, but that he doesn't want anyone to blame him for his actions. He goes to the dining hall to get some dry clothes, and finds that the place is "terrified" by his presence. He tells the mockingbird that his fever has gone down, and that he should thank her for taking care of him.