The chapter opens with a discussion of the seven original routes of the gang. The leader of the original team, the horse pedro, asks if the wolf girl is going to try to kill them by tricking them into following a different route than their original plan. The super cube is not buying it. He tells the leader that the team has gone off its original path on the first day of the trek. He also warns the super cube not to show hostility to the forest devil. The forest devil is a poisonous beast that devours other animals and takes their genetic material. It can also be found in the form of a poisonous killer bee. It is easy for passers-by to mimic the expression of the beast, as long as they hold their breath. The wolf girl, however, is not fooled. She says that she has been there and that they scare the devil away. She also says that they have a reason for insulting the devil, and that the wolf taught her that there is no reason to insult the devil. She is sure that the devil is here to sabotage them.
The chapter opens with a discussion of the seven original routes of the gang. The leader of the original team, the horse pedro, asks if the wolf girl is going to try to kill them by tricking them into following a different route than their original plan. The super cube is not buying it. He tells the leader that the team has gone off its original path on the first day of the trek. He also warns the super cube not to show hostility to the forest devil. The forest devil is a poisonous beast that devours other animals and takes their genetic material. It can also be found in the form of a poisonous killer bee. It is easy for passers-by to mimic the expression of the beast, as long as they hold their breath. The wolf girl, however, is not fooled. She says that she has been there and that they scare the devil away. She also says that they have a reason for insulting the devil, and that the wolf taught her that there is no reason to insult the devil. She is sure that the devil is here to sabotage them.