Star Martial God Technique • Chapter 474 • Page ik-page-4304936
Chapter 474
This is a locked chapterChapter 474
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The patriarch tells the young master that he has agreed to an alliance with the silver edge tribe. The young master asks the patriarch to sell him some of the ore, and the patriarch agrees to do so. The patriarch explains that he will teach a few of the juniors how to use the crystals, and then he will personally come and teach them. The elder patriarch asks why the outsider is helping them, since he is a better choice than the silver-edge family. Young master says that unlike the aristocratic families, he uses them, not sacrifices them. He explains that the valley wind tribe does not want to return to the city because the yans will not hand over the crystal mines to them.
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Star Martial God Technique • Chapter 474 • Page ik-page-4304936
Chapter 474
This is a locked chapterChapter 474
About This Chapter
The patriarch tells the young master that he has agreed to an alliance with the silver edge tribe. The young master asks the patriarch to sell him some of the ore, and the patriarch agrees to do so. The patriarch explains that he will teach a few of the juniors how to use the crystals, and then he will personally come and teach them. The elder patriarch asks why the outsider is helping them, since he is a better choice than the silver-edge family. Young master says that unlike the aristocratic families, he uses them, not sacrifices them. He explains that the valley wind tribe does not want to return to the city because the yans will not hand over the crystal mines to them.
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