Back at the palace, Fang complains about how many evil characters have fallen from the woodwork since the chaos of the Great Leap Forward. He feels that the task of leading the House of Youthfeather to the northern region is not an easy one, as there are many city lords and great houses in the northern regions. With the house of the Heavenly Dragon treasure, Fang feels that they have an advantage in terms of wealth. However, he feels that their strongest people are at the seventh level of heaven, and that they need to recruit them from the lower levels of heaven. Fang is frustrated by the howling wolves.
Back at the palace, Fang complains about how many evil characters have fallen from the woodwork since the chaos of the Great Leap Forward. He feels that the task of leading the House of Youthfeather to the northern region is not an easy one, as there are many city lords and great houses in the northern regions. With the house of the Heavenly Dragon treasure, Fang feels that they have an advantage in terms of wealth. However, he feels that their strongest people are at the seventh level of heaven, and that they need to recruit them from the lower levels of heaven. Fang is frustrated by the howling wolves.