In this short scene, we learn that the imperial guard commander, hong, has issued a conscription order for a hundred men each from each of the northern provinces. This is a gross violation of the emperor's authority, says yuningxia, the princess of the north. The imperial guard is the province's property, and the imperial court has no authority over it. . He says that if he had supported the general in this matter, this would never have been an issue. He thinks that if the princess really does take the matter to the central office, his position as commander may be in jeopardy. He asks the royal highness to call the conscription order off, since his highness isn't happy about it. He's not stupid, he says. He knows that the princess will be here today, and he challenged her to a duel. He apologizes for his rudeness earlier.
In this short scene, we learn that the imperial guard commander, hong, has issued a conscription order for a hundred men each from each of the northern provinces. This is a gross violation of the emperor's authority, says yuningxia, the princess of the north. The imperial guard is the province's property, and the imperial court has no authority over it. . He says that if he had supported the general in this matter, this would never have been an issue. He thinks that if the princess really does take the matter to the central office, his position as commander may be in jeopardy. He asks the royal highness to call the conscription order off, since his highness isn't happy about it. He's not stupid, he says. He knows that the princess will be here today, and he challenged her to a duel. He apologizes for his rudeness earlier.