Back at the palace, the three of them discuss the situation. The rebel leader has killed himself, and the others are not worried about him, so they can bring whomever they want with them. They don't want to capture one more accomplice, but they do have something for the master to show him. The commander tells us that one of the female doctors has already escorted Miss An back to safety, and she says that she was wounded in her chest, but that she has some "cosmic energy" protecting her heart. The doctor also says that Miss An should recover in about a month. The princess is glad to hear that she is safe, and sends the northern lord back to her.
Back at the palace, the three of them discuss the situation. The rebel leader has killed himself, and the others are not worried about him, so they can bring whomever they want with them. They don't want to capture one more accomplice, but they do have something for the master to show him. The commander tells us that one of the female doctors has already escorted Miss An back to safety, and she says that she was wounded in her chest, but that she has some "cosmic energy" protecting her heart. The doctor also says that Miss An should recover in about a month. The princess is glad to hear that she is safe, and sends the northern lord back to her.