Three days have passed, and the noble families have still not left. Suddenly, the treasure that the emperor left behind has been opened. It looks like a stone door has been placed in the rock wall, preventing them from entering. The noble families rush up to find out what's been going on. It turns out that the man they're looking for is called "Yu Ling" , and he's a master swordsman in the feng-zhou empire. He's 23 years old, and is considered to be one of the top swordsmen in the city. Yu Ling has proposed to his father, but he didn't want to marry him because he was jealous of the beautiful young lady that he was courting. Now that they've met up, Yu Ling and the girl can catch up.
Three days have passed, and the noble families have still not left. Suddenly, the treasure that the emperor left behind has been opened. It looks like a stone door has been placed in the rock wall, preventing them from entering. The noble families rush up to find out what's been going on. It turns out that the man they're looking for is called "Yu Ling" , and he's a master swordsman in the feng-zhou empire. He's 23 years old, and is considered to be one of the top swordsmen in the city. Yu Ling has proposed to his father, but he didn't want to marry him because he was jealous of the beautiful young lady that he was courting. Now that they've met up, Yu Ling and the girl can catch up.