The emperor tells his men that they cannot rescue Senior xiangwu even if they wanted to, and that they will only put themselves in danger by rescuing him. He orders all the members of the Divine Sea Pavilion to assist Senior . The emperor says that if he were in his best state, he could exchange some blows with him, but now his strength is not so good as before. He tells the men that if the emperor were alive, he would not dare to fight against him, much less them. He says that he is impressed that they actually
The emperor tells his men that they cannot rescue Senior xiangwu even if they wanted to, and that they will only put themselves in danger by rescuing him. He orders all the members of the Divine Sea Pavilion to assist Senior . The emperor says that if he were in his best state, he could exchange some blows with him, but now his strength is not so good as before. He tells the men that if the emperor were alive, he would not dare to fight against him, much less them. He says that he is impressed that they actually