This chapter opens with the entrance of a young man named Hong-Lin, who has just arrived in the ancient city of divinorum. He immediately recognizes the young man as his brother, Xinghe, who is the leader of the guild of godsmiths. The young man tells his brother that they are about to swear an oath of friendship to each other, and that they will be joined by the three of them. He asks if they are from different families, and the young master answers that they hail from the "divine sea pavilion" and the "house of youthfeather" respectively. The two men discuss the current state of affairs in the world, and how they plan to deal with it. The younger man tells the elder man that their strength is only enough to protect them from the forces of the feudal lords and the powerful armies. The elder man assures him that if they face a serious threat, they will not hesitate to protect their own house. He also tells the younger man that the hall of divine sea pavilion is under his command, and he asks if the hall has decided to seek world domination. The older man replies that it has not yet decided to do so, but that it will certainly do so in the future
This chapter opens with the entrance of a young man named Hong-Lin, who has just arrived in the ancient city of divinorum. He immediately recognizes the young man as his brother, Xinghe, who is the leader of the guild of godsmiths. The young man tells his brother that they are about to swear an oath of friendship to each other, and that they will be joined by the three of them. He asks if they are from different families, and the young master answers that they hail from the "divine sea pavilion" and the "house of youthfeather" respectively. The two men discuss the current state of affairs in the world, and how they plan to deal with it. The younger man tells the elder man that their strength is only enough to protect them from the forces of the feudal lords and the powerful armies. The elder man assures him that if they face a serious threat, they will not hesitate to protect their own house. He also tells the younger man that the hall of divine sea pavilion is under his command, and he asks if the hall has decided to seek world domination. The older man replies that it has not yet decided to do so, but that it will certainly do so in the future