Rule Eater

Rule Eater • Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End? • Page ik-page-3601078
Rule Eater • Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End? • Page ik-page-3601079
Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End?
This is a locked chapterChapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End?
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the battle is over, and that the four lords have been defeated. We also learn that yanmo has been taken away from the battlefield, and the knights are now left to deal with the aftermath of their defeat. The knights decide that it is best to take their captain away, since there will soon be more people at the battlefield.
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Rule Eater

Rule Eater • Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End? • Page ik-page-3601078
Rule Eater • Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End? • Page ik-page-3601079
Chapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End?
This is a locked chapterChapter 220: Is This the Beginning or the End?
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the battle is over, and that the four lords have been defeated. We also learn that yanmo has been taken away from the battlefield, and the knights are now left to deal with the aftermath of their defeat. The knights decide that it is best to take their captain away, since there will soon be more people at the battlefield.
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