The next morning, the two of them go for a walk, and the two are interrupted by the sound of gong's voice, which sounds like it has just woken up from a nap. It's not clear whether it's a wake-up call or a warning that something is amiss, but the two realize that they've been missing each other for a week now. They decide to go to the guest bedroom and have a little chat, and then they head back to the room.
The next morning, the two of them go for a walk, and the two are interrupted by the sound of gong's voice, which sounds like it has just woken up from a nap. It's not clear whether it's a wake-up call or a warning that something is amiss, but the two realize that they've been missing each other for a week now. They decide to go to the guest bedroom and have a little chat, and then they head back to the room.