CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 211 • Page ik-page-4632008
Chapter 211
This is a locked chapterChapter 211
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When the gong blows, xiaonian asks what he has done. He knows that the woman tried to sneak into his room, but he does not know what she was doing there. He goes back to his room and cries out, "Where are they?" , "being a mother," "like mother," and so on. He tells the gong not to let anyone dispose of them in the rain, but to "dash ! . . get back here!" . He says that the rain is outside, and that it is raining even though his fever has gone down. He grabs the gong and tells it to "shake off ya" , saying that he was the one who provoked the gong to do what he did. He asks the gong if he is using the women's deaths as an excuse to leave his side. The gong says that he is too cruel to leave , and he says that his three-year-old son, bob, is his son.
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CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 211 • Page ik-page-4632008
Chapter 211
This is a locked chapterChapter 211
About This Chapter
When the gong blows, xiaonian asks what he has done. He knows that the woman tried to sneak into his room, but he does not know what she was doing there. He goes back to his room and cries out, "Where are they?" , "being a mother," "like mother," and so on. He tells the gong not to let anyone dispose of them in the rain, but to "dash ! . . get back here!" . He says that the rain is outside, and that it is raining even though his fever has gone down. He grabs the gong and tells it to "shake off ya" , saying that he was the one who provoked the gong to do what he did. He asks the gong if he is using the women's deaths as an excuse to leave his side. The gong says that he is too cruel to leave , and he says that his three-year-old son, bob, is his son.
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