CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934386
CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934387
CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934388
Chapter 370
This is a locked chapterChapter 370
About This Chapter
This scene opens with the sound of a gong. It's a warning that something's not right. The gong is signaling that someone is trying to leave the room. The young master, the young master's brother , is also in the room, but he's nowhere to be found. He's trying to get out of the room and find his sister. He can't find her, and she's crying out for help. She's in the middle of a fight with a man who's pretending to be a guy named Shu-Li, and he has a gun pointed at her. The man tells her to get away from him, but she refuses to leave. The scene ends with a warning about breaking the law.
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CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934386
CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934387
CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 370 • Page ik-page-4934388
Chapter 370
This is a locked chapterChapter 370
About This Chapter
This scene opens with the sound of a gong. It's a warning that something's not right. The gong is signaling that someone is trying to leave the room. The young master, the young master's brother , is also in the room, but he's nowhere to be found. He's trying to get out of the room and find his sister. He can't find her, and she's crying out for help. She's in the middle of a fight with a man who's pretending to be a guy named Shu-Li, and he has a gun pointed at her. The man tells her to get away from him, but she refuses to leave. The scene ends with a warning about breaking the law.
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