CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4294732
Chapter 173
This is a locked chapterChapter 173
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The next morning, xiaonian wonders if it's worth it to tell the police the cost of their deaths. He wonders if he should ask for help from gong-ou, but he doesn't think he'll be able to get it done. Worried that he's too suspicious, he suggests that feng-de-feng can help him. He also suggests that maybe de feng can help her, since she's such a good housekeeper. The next time he sees ding, he asks what's going on. ding tells him that he just received a picture of a child. The picture is of a three-year-old girl who's been secretly adopted by ding's mother, who drugged ding and slept with ding three years ago on a cruise ship. The implication is that ding is a materialistic, materialistic woman who'd do anything to get money from ding. Confused, ding asks if he really thinks a woman like ding would be good enough
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CEO Above, Me Below • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4294732
Chapter 173
This is a locked chapterChapter 173
About This Chapter
The next morning, xiaonian wonders if it's worth it to tell the police the cost of their deaths. He wonders if he should ask for help from gong-ou, but he doesn't think he'll be able to get it done. Worried that he's too suspicious, he suggests that feng-de-feng can help him. He also suggests that maybe de feng can help her, since she's such a good housekeeper. The next time he sees ding, he asks what's going on. ding tells him that he just received a picture of a child. The picture is of a three-year-old girl who's been secretly adopted by ding's mother, who drugged ding and slept with ding three years ago on a cruise ship. The implication is that ding is a materialistic, materialistic woman who'd do anything to get money from ding. Confused, ding asks if he really thinks a woman like ding would be good enough
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