In this chapter, the young protagonist, named "Splash," explains that he has a "love - hate relationship" with the sea. When he was young, he dreamed of going to the sea, but he had no chance. When his sister, "Shi xiaonian," and her friends came back to China, they left footprints on the beach, which made him jealous. When they came back, he realized that the sea was much prettier in real life than it was in the photos. He also realizes that his love for the sea is stronger than his hatred of the island. When the protagonist is carried to the shore by the young master, he feels as though he is moving. The young master asks if he is fully awake, and the protagonist replies that he is. He then realizes that the footprints left by his friends are the ones that he was so upset about. He says that if they do not take him to the beach and leave as many footprints as they did, he will do it.
In this chapter, the young protagonist, named "Splash," explains that he has a "love - hate relationship" with the sea. When he was young, he dreamed of going to the sea, but he had no chance. When his sister, "Shi xiaonian," and her friends came back to China, they left footprints on the beach, which made him jealous. When they came back, he realized that the sea was much prettier in real life than it was in the photos. He also realizes that his love for the sea is stronger than his hatred of the island. When the protagonist is carried to the shore by the young master, he feels as though he is moving. The young master asks if he is fully awake, and the protagonist replies that he is. He then realizes that the footprints left by his friends are the ones that he was so upset about. He says that if they do not take him to the beach and leave as many footprints as they did, he will do it.