The next morning, the young master is furious with his wife for not calling him back when she returned from her trip to China. The young master has left his bodyguards and fengde with her, but she does not even call him back to check on the cook, who is still working on the dinner for the company. He complains that he has spent the entire day "coping with the reporters" and wonders why he has come to the company restaurant when he could just sit down and eat his dinner.
The next morning, the young master is furious with his wife for not calling him back when she returned from her trip to China. The young master has left his bodyguards and fengde with her, but she does not even call him back to check on the cook, who is still working on the dinner for the company. He complains that he has spent the entire day "coping with the reporters" and wonders why he has come to the company restaurant when he could just sit down and eat his dinner.