The next morning, the young master scolds the old master for not attending the banquet. The old master tells him to go back to work and take care of the sick woman. The young master then scolds him for not being able to control his temper. He tells the old man that he is the one who asked the doctor for the hypnotherapy. The elderly man asks why it has to be that the doctor has a bad temper, and the young man replies that he has good temper too.
The next morning, the young master scolds the old master for not attending the banquet. The old master tells him to go back to work and take care of the sick woman. The young master then scolds him for not being able to control his temper. He tells the old man that he is the one who asked the doctor for the hypnotherapy. The elderly man asks why it has to be that the doctor has a bad temper, and the young man replies that he has good temper too.