Americano Exodus

Americano Exodus • Chapter 139 • Page ik-page-3232037
Chapter 139
This is a locked chapterChapter 139
About This Chapter
The next morning, Mina and Desdemona prepare to leave for their new home. Mina wonders why her family has left her, and she wonders why she hasn't been able to find her mother. She also wonders if the other lords are plotting against her mother, and Mina wonders if they're planning to kill her and her family. She wonders if she should visit her father, but he's still alive. Mina decides that she needs to find out more about what's going on in the central, and then she'll be able to figure out what to do about it.
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Americano Exodus

Americano Exodus • Chapter 139 • Page ik-page-3232037
Chapter 139
This is a locked chapterChapter 139
About This Chapter
The next morning, Mina and Desdemona prepare to leave for their new home. Mina wonders why her family has left her, and she wonders why she hasn't been able to find her mother. She also wonders if the other lords are plotting against her mother, and Mina wonders if they're planning to kill her and her family. She wonders if she should visit her father, but he's still alive. Mina decides that she needs to find out more about what's going on in the central, and then she'll be able to figure out what to do about it.
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