It is twilight, and the nobles have gathered to discuss the future of the kingdom. They all agree that the current lord is the problem, since he has not done enough to improve the kingdom's condition. They also agree to share their performance with the leader, who is always changing the meeting place. The leader is first to arrive, and he is surprised to find that the others have not yet arrived. He is also surprised to see that they do not recognize him. He says that he missed her on the floor, and that he is so clumsy that his foot slipped. He then says that she will be his subordinate, or he will sue her for unfair punishment. She says that how can she treat her like this when she is a 3 year old senior to her. She then tells him that a week ago, everyone knew that Maria had achieved results. She coughs and says that it is her first time hearing the news. She also says that due to her lack of performance, she is to be removed from her position as a fertilizer recovery team leader. The fertilizer team has noticed that the sudden announcement was too hasty, and they have decided to give her one last chance to prove her worth. They will give her 1 week to prove herself. She is shocked that she has been given such a chance, since she was supposed to be the heir to the throne of the northeast region.