Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 503 • Page ik-page-3155630
Chapter 503
This is a locked chapterChapter 503
About This Chapter
After the first round, the girl from the Five Countries wins. The next round, lingshan, chen quin, and wang enter. The electric sword is the weapon of choice for zhu, who once killed five "mid-stage mystic-level robbers" with his sword. Believing that the electric sword will help zhu defeat chenqin, the narrator predicts that zhu will defeat wang in one move
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Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 503 • Page ik-page-3155630
Chapter 503
This is a locked chapterChapter 503
About This Chapter
After the first round, the girl from the Five Countries wins. The next round, lingshan, chen quin, and wang enter. The electric sword is the weapon of choice for zhu, who once killed five "mid-stage mystic-level robbers" with his sword. Believing that the electric sword will help zhu defeat chenqin, the narrator predicts that zhu will defeat wang in one move
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