This chapter opens in ancient city, the ancient city of Quinxue. The narrator introduces the audience to the protagonist, who is a member of the Five Kingdoms. He tells the audience that he has come to visit his elder brother, the founder of the sect, and that he will introduce the protagonist to his senior brother. The protagonist is introduced to the senior brother, who tells him that he is one of the best scholars in the ancient world. The senior brother also tells the protagonist that the ancient capital, which the protagonist has described in his message, is not as magical as he had thought.
This chapter opens in ancient city, the ancient city of Quinxue. The narrator introduces the audience to the protagonist, who is a member of the Five Kingdoms. He tells the audience that he has come to visit his elder brother, the founder of the sect, and that he will introduce the protagonist to his senior brother. The protagonist is introduced to the senior brother, who tells him that he is one of the best scholars in the ancient world. The senior brother also tells the protagonist that the ancient capital, which the protagonist has described in his message, is not as magical as he had thought.